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Research, Policy and Practice

Table 1 Prevalence (observed and reported) of calf diarrhoea and Cryptosporidium and Giardia shedding, and associated herd and household characteristics from the calf-focused survey (2008 to 2009)

From: Boma to banda - A disease sentinel concept for reduction of diarrhoea

Case description


No. of households (prevalence)

Corresponding no. of households with


Calf diarrhoea

Cryptosporidium shedding

Giardia shedding

Diarrhoea observed in at least one calf in the herd


28 (53.9 %)


17/28 (60.7 %)

24/28 (85.7 %)

Households sheltering young and sick animals inside the home


42 (82.3 %)

22/42 (52.4 %)

17/42 (40.5 %)

31/42 (73.8 %)

Households reporting women and children as the primary caretakers for young and small animals


45 (86.5 %)

26/45 (57.8 %)

20/45 (44.4 %)

36/45 (80.0 %)