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Research, Policy and Practice

Table 2 Relationship between continuous independent variables and market participation

From: Smallholder dairy producers’ participation in dairy marketing in Southern Omo Zone, Ethiopia

Independent variables

Participants, mean (SD)

Non-participants, mean (SD)


Age of household head in years

44.12 (1.37)

40.75 (0.91)

− 2.1363**

Family size in adult equivalent

4.90 (0.20)

4.64 (0.15)

− 1.0594

Land holding in hectares

1.60 (0.11)

0.89 (0.06)

− 6.1206***

Distance nearest market in kilometres

7.10 (0. 41)

12.08 (0.71)


Children under 6 years in numbers

0. 95 (0.11)

1.72 (0.12)


Lactating dairy cows owned in numbers

5.10 (0.37)

1.51 (0.15)

− 10.3172***

On-farm income in ETB

28,403.45 (2748.88)

15,786.2 (1194.85)

− 4.7637***

Non-farm income in ETB

5455.17 (1282.45)

3366.74 (718.20)

− 1.5342

  1. Source: author’s computation from sample survey data (2020)
  2. *, **, *** represent significance level at 10%, 5% and 1% respectively