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Research, Policy and Practice

Table 3 Pastoral community behavioural risk factors of brucellosis transmission linked to livestock management

From: Gendered asymmetry of access to knowledge for brucellosis control among pastoral communities in north-west Côte d’Ivoire

PC practices

Men, N (%)

Women, N (%)


Assist with bare hands during parturition

63 (19.7)

3 (22.2)


Using protective equipment or do not assist during parturition

148 (80.3)

106 (77.8)

Handle aborted foetus with bare hands

106 (50.3)

7 (6.4)


Use of protective equipment or do not handle aborted foetus

105 (49.7)

102 (93.6)

Handle placenta with bare hands

31 (14.7)

6 (5.5)


Use of protective equipment or do not handle placenta

180 (85.3)

103 (94.5)

Break hygromas with bare hands

68 (32.3)

00 (0)


Use of protective equipment or do not break hygromas

143 (67.7)

109 (100)