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Research, Policy and Practice

Table 4 Top 5 relevant quantitative variables that best describe the 32 farms from cluster 2. Overall sample n = 100 farms

From: A typology of smallholder livestock production systems reflecting the impact of the development of a local milk collection industry: Case study of Fatick region, Senegal






Total surface occupied by farmers’ home (ha)


1.3 ± 0.78

2.0 ± 1.13

< 0.001

Cost of artificial insemination (CFA4)


6875.0 ± 12546.79

16715.0 ± 18134.81

< 0.001

Total surface of land/farm (ha)


2.5 ± 2.60

5.2 ± 5.32

< 0.001

Milk selling price5/L


393.4 ± 157.84

289.0 ± 203.81

< 0.001

Crop land area (ha)


0.9 ± 2.33

3.3 ± 4.84

< 0.001

  1. 1Mean ± standard deviation on cluster
  2. 2Mean ± standard deviation on overall data
  3. 3Overall vs cluster (α < 0.05)
  4. 4West African currency
  5. 5Average market price regardless of buyers