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Research, Policy and Practice

Fig. 2 | Pastoralism

Fig. 2

From: Characteristics of smallholders’ goat production systems and effect of Boer crossbreeding on body measurements of goats in Burundi

Fig. 2

Result of the multiple correspondence analysis: graphical representation of modalities for the first (Dim1) and second (Dim 2) dimensions. care1, low spending in veterinary care; care2, medium spending in veterinary care; care3, high spending in veterinary care; cbr, mixed flock with indigenous and crossbreds; chl, central highlands; cnc, Congo-Nil-Crest; comgraz, communal grazing; dne, Depressions of the Northeast; fgraz, free grazing; forage1, use of forage crops; forage2, no use of forage crops; herd_teth, herding/tethering; imb, Imbo; indgraz, individual pastures; litter1, presence of litter; litter2, absence of litter; loc, local flock; man, manure; mcls, mixed crop-livestock system; ngoat1, small herds; ngoat2, medium herds; ngoat3, large herds; sell, sale of goats; sell_man, sale of goats and manure; sold0, no sales of goats; sold1, low income from sales; sold2, medium income from sales; sold3, high income from goats sold. Green colour indicates the illustrative variable of agro-climatic zone

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