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Research, Policy and Practice

Figure 2 | Pastoralism

Figure 2

From: Borana women’s indigenous social network-marro in building household food security: Case study from Ethiopia

Figure 2

A conceptual representation of marro. In this figure, bonding marro is depicted by the thick arrows showing the strong relations between neighbouring households. There are many bonding marro within the same village. A woman can be a member of different marro. She can also choose over different marro in her village. In marro, women exchange gifts of different items frequently to meet the needs of the households. The bridging marro links pastoral and agro-pastoral communities for sharing resources. Contrary to bonding, bridging marro established between communities spatially separated or in different locations. Thus, bridging marro relation links communities in different locations to ensure survival through sharing available resources. In this case, pastoral women establish marro with agro-pastoral women and share their livestock products such as milk, meat, butter and yoghurt in return for grains from agro-pastoral women that enable them to address household food deficit

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