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Archived Comments for: După coada oilor: long-distance transhumance and its survival in Romania

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  1. Pastoralism and the European Union's "new" Common Agricultural Policy

    Caroline Juler, Freelance

    22 January 2015

    Here is more confirmation that the new CAP isn't as green as it's painted:, if you subscribe to Science magazine, and for an unofficial version. 

    He's notorious for hating British sheep farming, but the journalist George Monbiot (not one of the authors of the above report) makes perfect sense when he warns us about soil erosion and the excessive power of some parts of the farming lobby.  It's all part of the bigger picture to which traditional pastoralism belongs, whether those of us who are keen on anthropology like it or not. 

    Competing interests

    None declared
  2. Hired shepherds' salaries

    Caroline Juler, Freelance

    22 January 2015

    Re-reading my notes for this article, I think the average pay given for a hired shepherd is a bit high.  In early April 2012, I was told the salary ranged between five and 12 million lei, according to the responsibility involved.  According to (the closest date I can find), that would have meant they earned between £95 and £228 - or between 114 to 274 Euros - a month.  I don't suppose the salaries have risen much in the past two years.   

    Competing interests

    None declared
